Custom Fonts
Use our custom-curated unicode fonts on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or any of your favorite social media. Bold, Underline, Italic, Small Caps, Hollow and so many more are at your disposal.
Say goodbye to awkward characters on IG such as '.' (period) - while you create clean paragraphs with actual spaces.
Special Characters
Want more than just emojis? We have curated over 50 elegant symbols to help structure your content.
Keyboard Bar
Change your fonts on the fly, add symbols - all from the custom keyboard bar that blends right with your native keyboard.
Hashtag Presets
Use #hashtags often? Save your presets, so you never have to remember or jot them down. Simply tap on the keyboard bar, select the presets you want for that post and that's it.
Social Media
Once you are done formatting your content, tap our export button and we will copy the text to your clipboard and even open Instagram, Facebook or Twitter directly for you.
linebreakr comes standard with dark mode to allow your precious eyes to rest. Prefer the light side instead? Simply flip the switch and you'll be presented with a clean white one instantly.
Unlimited Use
The app is completely free to use - no limits on your hashtag presets or the number of times you get to use the app. We hope you enjoy it.
We deeply care about privacy and we never sell your data. We do collect some analytics on how the app is used (e.g. dark mode disabled), so we can help better it. We also give you the option to opt-out of any and all analytics directly from the app.